Chapter 1: What the hell is this?

I thought I would start with a quick “Welcome” post. I basically decided to start a blog to push my thoughts, opinions and advice on the masses. If you know me, you know this agenda is nothing new.

Here is a brief refresher on who you are dealing with: a twenty something lawyer who lives just outside the city with my fiancé and fur child Meatball Paul.

Meatball Paul

You will probably see MP featured on the blog more than anyone else in my life. Sorry, not sorry.

I enjoy fashion, strong drinks and having fun. This blog will chronicle my adventures with advice on how to enjoy life, how to become successful at work and other practical information like for example where to get a strong cup of coffee in Boston. It will be sprinkled with book reviews, current fashion obsessions and recipes.

If you want to know more about This Modern Broad you can head to the (appropriately named) about me section. Comment below and let me know what kinds of things you want to see featured on the blog!


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  1. I want to hear all about your career as a lawyer…how you got there, why you chose the field, and the nitty gritty about your daily activities as an attorney..the good, the bad, and the ugly…and everything in between !